“Giving a child a chance to be happy and sharing what you have with a child is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, as well as a child.”
Though children are synonymous with innocence, purity, selflessness and joy, every child is just not fortunate enough. Instead of celebrating New Year 2013 with loud parties, this year we, at Hidden Brains, tried to create a difference to some of the underprivileged children of Sewa Academy, Ahmedabad.
About Sewa Academy
Sewa Academy, renowned for helping underprivileged of Ahmedabad, has been instrumental in this CSR activity of Hidden Brains. Sewa Academy has more than two decades of experience in supporting and improving the lives of children and women by organizing literacy classes and extending financial help to the needy.
Hidden Brains is also well known for philanthropic activities, we do participate in Blood Donation, help Old Age Home and visit Cancer Hospitals on a regular basis. This occasion gave us the opportunity to do something for little children, so the response and number of volunteers were overwhelming. However, according to rules and regulations of Sewa Academy we had to keep the team size minimal.
A close knit team from Hidden Brains, led by Mr. Vikas Mishra (Executive Director – Operations) and Mr. Pramod Sinha (Executive Director – Sales), visited one of the branches of Sewa Academy – Bal Sewa, and spent the entire day with those little and innocent children! Our entire family of Hidden Brains contributed liberally and we managed to pull together a decent amount along with gifts and donated goodies.
Upon arriving the slum area of outskirts of Ahmedabad, where Bal Sewa, a branch of Sewa Academy is located, team Hidden Brains was greeted by the Sewa Academy representatives and we were introduced to the kids within 1-5 years of age group. They were busy with their morning lessons and were more than happy for the distraction. After initial confusion and chocolate sharing things got comfortable and we got to hear alphabets and numbers.
Lunch was fun as there was competition on who can finish first! Little ones too completed the meal with some help from enthusiastic sisters from Hidden Brains. Post lunch session was enjoyed outside in winter sun, exploring new toys and indulging in sweets.
Afternoon brought much merry making in terms of recitation of rhymes and trying hands on crayons and picture books. We saw some real talented future leaders and artists amongst the group of children, notable for their smartness and sketching expertise. We also dressed some of them in new clothes, and got to see some future fashionistas. All these activities brought out all the shades of a child – happiness, innocence and boundless energy.
Before we know it was already evening, time to leave our sweet little friends. However, one thing was due – distribution of gifts. All the contribution made by Hidden brains Family was distributed equally among these little ones. On receiving these goodies, their joy was boundless. It brought huge smiles in their faces, which surely will last for long!
The entire CSR activity refreshed our souls to start New Year with bliss and profound energy. We are hopeful, we would keep enlightening the lives of many more children in future also, which will not only spread happiness to children but it will also help us keep our commitment towards our society and environment.