Earlier, we were talking about PHP and ASP as web development languages. We were discussing that which one of them is a better option. Some points like expenses, ease of coding, multi-language support and platform compatibility had been viewed. Let us continue and discuss some more points.
ASP.NET has a built in check for code in form fields and it prevents a page from being executed if a form field has any ‘dangerous’ HTML code in it. On the other hand, PHP is always associated with security issues as it is accessible to newer, more novice coders as well. However, a PHP application coded correctly can be as secure as any ASP.NET application.
Both languages have great performance which helps making smooth applications that run multiple features. ASP is a compiled language, while PHP is an interpreted language, which is good for designing smooth web pages. However, ASP.Net is faster in comparison to PHP. Also, ASP is more flexible and helpful in creating dynamic web pages
Database support
ASP.NET supports OLE-DB, ODBC and many other native drivers for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. PHP is compatible with the most popular databases available in the market and open source databases as well.
ASP.Net is OOPs based and it operates on higher level of abstraction in order to make the coding better. Its programs are productive and it is easy to create the reusable codes. It saves a lot of time and money. On the other hand, PHP is less oriented for OOPs and is recommended for small to medium sized projects.
Eventually, both of the languages have their own special features and functionalities. PHP is cheaper in comparison to ASP.NET. Meanwhile ASP is more effectual for creating dynamic websites. PHP is faster yet more prone to external threats. As per experts, both the languages have similar capabilities but PHP is more recommended for small businesses having a fixed budget. Also, PHP cannot provide e-commerce application development. So ASP.net is the better choice, in such a case. Both of these, have their own significance as per the requirements and budgets of the user. So basically, the race will continue and both the languages will keep competing.