Before composable applications became a thing, there was first the monolithic approach to building mobile applications.
This transformed the way mobile applications are built and for many developers, this was a timely innovation that ushered in a new era for businesses, developers, and technology stakeholders.
Despite the popularity of this new method, composable applications, a significant number of developers still turn to the old ways when it comes to building applications. The reason is that it is easier to deploy, and it is designed with only one code.
However, composable applications have gained more ground despite their complexities.
What are Composable Applications?
Composable applications are the new approach to mobile application development. The process involves assembling and integrating independent components of software into an existing model without having to start from scratch.
Each time businesses have a need to upgrade an application, modify a part or input new features, instead of taking apart the whole and beginning all over again, all they need to do is to plug in the new parts.
With composable applications, each aspect of the application plays a specific role, therefore, it can be seamlessly into other parts of the applications.
Types of Composable Applications
Microservices are minuscule and autonomous applications that are built to function together to perform a series of programmed tasks. They are flexible and fit easily into different aspects of an application. Today, microservices can be found everywhere, and there is a surge in the demand for this technology as 85% of businesses now rely on it.
It boosts productivity, increases revenue, and improves customer satisfaction. Examples of microservices include Amazon and Netflix.
Application programming interface (APIs)
are a collection of technological tools that enable all the different parts of an application to exchange data. So, APIs enable different programs to communicate with each other. This interface has become so essential that it generates 35% of the revenue businesses get. They have also become valuable tools that are used by consumers in their everyday life, when you send mobile payment, that’s APIs at work. Some other types of APIs are e-commerce platforms, Google Maps, Weather apps, and social media platforms.
This is a package that includes all the various elements that make an application function. Examples of containers are Windows and Linux, and they speed up the development process. At the development stage, when an application is moved from one computer to another, it is containers that enable it to run efficiently. Applications that utilize containers can easily be integrated into various operating environments.
How Does It Work?
Composable applications are a tool that enables the expansion of storage, database, networks, and systems functions and it has a high degree of flexibility. It also includes APIs that coordinate the ecosystem of mobile applications.
Composable applications are essential and valuable digital building blocks that enable businesses to sustain their growth and efficiently manage their resources. They can function independently, therefore, they are not cumbersome like the traditional monolithic approach to mobile application development. It increases business capacities and leaves abundant room for innovation to thrive.
In addition, it is cost-efficient as the components could be reused and integrated into existing systems.
How Do They Impact Businesses?
Organizations that have embraced composable applications have been able to build more flexibility, agility and gained a strong foothold in the global market.
Composable applications are increasingly transforming industries, hence the reason for the high demand by businesses.
What are the Features of Composable Applications
It is a concept that encourages flexibility as an entity could be separated from a whole without impacting the overall system. In addition, composable applications can be broken down into smaller sizes of digital blocks, reassembled and used to build a new application or infused into an existing one.
This makes it possible to achieve a lot of results even with tight deadlines.
Development process is Fast and Reliable
Composable applications are agile, compared to the monolithic approach, and period of time to develop. Also, effective time management is crucial for business growth and this is what composable applications offer; doing much more with lesser time.
It improves Teamwork
Composable applications enhance innovation and seamlessly integrate them into an existing model. They also speed up the process of conducting experimentation, and prototyping and enables developers to do more in lesser time.
At the initial stage, a monolithic application may be easier to develop but it gets more difficult as the process continues. Besides, scaling the application with this approach takes double the effort required for composable applications.
On the other hand, mobile app developers can modify parts of the composable applications to improve their performance, and enhance user experience whilst optimizing resources. Even if the application is high in demand, the changes can be rapidly made without its users having to wait for long periods for an upgrade.
Modularity and Reusability
Composable applications are built from reusable components which are also known as microservices.
What is the Future of Composable Applications?
The composable applications market is fast and around the globe, there is an increasing demand for them. Research has shown that the market will continue to grow and it is expected to from the initial figure generated in 2023, USD 5.2 billion to USD 11.8 billion in 2028.
However, this projected growth may be slowed down if the current numbers of developers and professionals do not increase. So, there is a need for more tech experts for this estimated growth to come true.
Benefits of Composable Applications
It Simplifies the Mobile Application Development Process
The dynamics of the market are ever-changing and to meet up with consumers’ demands, composable applications simplify the task of building a new application. Rather than building a new application from scratch, existing components of an application can be rearranged to make room for new required components. Integrating emerging technologies and services into existing applications will help them remain competitive over time.
It Increases Efficiency
Every organization wants to be the first to put out a new software or application. When there is a new for a new feature to be added to an existing application, it is the companies who did this first that will have a larger portion of the market as their customers. Composable applications increase the efficiency and effectiveness of applications. In business, you are either the first or second, those who fall into the third position or fourth in the tech industry may struggle to sustain their growth.
It has Reusable Components
Any business that can optimize its resources will have sustainable growth and this is one of the benefits of utilizing composable applications in developing applications. The existing components can be reused and rearranged to enable new ones to be added.
The Presence of Low Code
Low code is a term used to describe process development solutions, low-code applications and other software development technologies. They are digital building blocks that developers infuse into workflows and applications. It allows developers to build new applications without having to research or try out new scripts.
This is a huge advantage that composable applications offer companies and developers.
With low code, any difficult problem that arises can be easily resolved especially for organizations that leverage diverse technological solutions. It creases business agility, and speeds up the time to it takes build new technological solutions.
It Reduces Maintenance Complexities
Maintaining mobile applications used to be a daunting process before Composable Applications were launched into the market. At different points in the life cycles of applications, there will be a need for new features to be added or reconfigured.
Since composable applications can function independently, the maintenance process of applications becomes less complex and it leaves no room for the errors that have been fixed to reoccur. This not only improves the user experience but also lessens the need for more money to be spent on reoccurring errors.
The Future is Composable Applications
Ever heard the term, the ‘future is composable applications? Now you do.
The ability for functional applications to be taken apart, rearranged, and then assembled without disrupting the initial design, has prepared businesses for the future and it has also paved the way for technology to thrive. Presently, a great number of applications have been launched into the market, more numbers are being churned out daily and the demand for these intelligent applications and software will continue to surge. Businesses that leverage this technology will never lose their competitive edge.
It Increases Business Capabilities
This is an important aspect of business management and when this is overlooked, the business won’t stand the test of time. It is the quantity of work that businesses can achieve within a specific timeline and this is measured by the number of projects executed and how the amount of time the projects are completed.
With composable applications, businesses can easily build new variants of existing applications and offer more solutions to their businesses without having to start afresh. This helps businesses to build their capabilities, it helps the team to remain creative and productive and it reduces the monotony of having to build new applications.
It Improves User Experience
One of the core functions of composable applications is that it improves the user experience, simplify it and enable consumers’ needs to be met in record time. Users can seamlessly transition from one app to another without encountering any difficulties.
It Enables Applications not to become Obsolete
The more new features and upgrades are integrated into existing applications, the more businesses will be able to keep up with current trends in the tech space. Composable applications ensure that technological tools do not go out of trend or become obsolete.
Other Important Advantages Include
- It lessens operational issues associated with conventional applications and it also enhances operational efficiency.
- It reduces the time it takes to build new applications.
- People with lesser knowledge about technology can leverage and operate them.
- It boosts creativity and helps businesses to stay agile and scalable.
- It helps businesses meet consumers’ demands and optimizes their resources.
- It can be dissociated to build new mobile applications.
- Composable applications are not limited to a specific industry, they can be built for all industries.
- Its composability features will help the applications market stand the test of time.
Challenges Associated with Composable Applications
No doubt, composable applications have numerous benefits but they also present a few challenges.
They are Technical
Composable applications are made up of different services, and components which could be tough to handle, especially for those new to it. There will be times when it will require some reconfiguration and managing them could become a problem.
Network Overload
The different aspects of composable applications increase network traffic and this may cause the application not to function optimally.
Data Insecurity
Applications are not immune to cyber threats, even those built with composable applications. Although they are open to threats, effectively managing access control will prevent this.
The tech industry has been transformed by several emerging technologies but no doubt, composable applications have paved a new way for mobile application development and innovation.
The future of composable applications is great and businesses that desire to meet up with consumer demands and build up business capacities should leverage this innovative approach to mobile application development.
At Hidden Brains, we offer diverse mobile application development services.