If you are a software developer, the tools that you use daily actually surpass the original languages you write code in. When you dedicate a significant amount of time to programming, you must have discovered and used some of the most amazing react dev tools which have significantly improved your productivity and efficiency in developing applications with ReactJS.
ReactJS is maintained by Facebook and a community of developers. The library has become the developer’s choice as it has topped several polls and is highly demanded by several companies today.
Here is detailed information about top tools in ReactJS development:
Create React App
With that Create React App, you get the quickest way to start developing a React project that has modern features included out of the box.
As a developer, you might know to create a TypeScript project using CRA. All you have to do is is add –typescript at the end:
npx create-react-app — typescript
This will help save you the trouble of manually adding TypeScript to your CRA projects.
React Extension Pack
One of the more popular Visual Studio Code extensions pack for React development is React Extension Pack, this tool contains the following extensions and is constantly updated:
- Reactjs code snippets
- ES Lint
- npm
- JavaScript (ES6) Snippets
- Search node_modules
- NPM IntelliSense
- Path IntelliSense
While React permits you to assemble parts definitively, imagining these segments become reliant on the application itself and its conditions.
The instrument empowers designers to make segments autonomously and grandstand segments intuitively in a segregated advancement condition.
Storybook runs outside of the fundamental application so clients can create UI parts in disengagement without stressing over application explicit conditions and necessities.
- Mock hard to reach use cases
- Render components in key states that are tricky to reproduce in an app
- Streamline your workflow with addons
- Automate Visual Testing
- Auto-detect code regressions
Why Did You Render
The Why Did You Render monkey patches React to advise you about avoidable re-renders.
This is extraordinarily valuable, not just in controlling you to execution fixes for your undertakings yet additionally to assist you with seeing how to React functions. What’s more, when you have a superior comprehension of how to React functions, it makes you a superior React designer.
This is hands-down probably the best instrument accessible to get your hands messy with React quicker than the speed of a squint. This apparatus, called CodeSandbox, is an online editorial manager that lets you make web applications from model to arrangement — all from the site!
CodeSandbox initially just upheld React in the previous stages however they’ve presently extended to extra starter layouts for libraries, for example, Vue and Angular. They additionally support launching your next React web venture by making ventures with normal static website generators, for example, Gatsby or Next.js.
- Supercharged with npm.
- Nearly 1M+ packages to build real, powerful apps quickly and efficiently.
- Integration with GitHub.
- Share templates, keep organized with folders and enable the team to work on sandboxes.
On the off chance that you’re less into code and more into a visual plan, at that point perhaps React-Proto is the apparatus for you. With it, you can model UIs utilizing drag & drop as opposed to composing code for it.
- Create, drag, and resize components
- Define parent and child components
- Inject files into an existing project
- Clone Github boilerplate
The tools that are mentioned here will help you improve as a ReactJS developer significantly. React has the ability to skyrocket any business almost instantly with its powerful features. Are you ready to hire ReactJS developers and make the magic happen for your business?