The Essential Differences

Agile  vs.  Waterfall

Approach To Development

Waterfall plans big upfront, Agile iterates & adapts. Both manage projects, but Waterfall's rigid, Agile's flexible.


Waterfall ineffective for modifying project scope. Agile more flexible to changes.

Assigning Roles

Dev teams drive Waterfall & Agile, but methods diverge. Waterfall plans & assigns, Agile iterates & adapts together.

Time It Takes to Complete Development

Waterfall plans long-term, builds on steps. Agile delivers value fast, adapts to finish first.

Launching Applications

Agile shines in quick iterations & early releases. Waterfall builds everything first, then releases.

Testing Applications to Detect Bugs

Agile sprints deliver faster, bite-sized results. Waterfall waits for the whole pie before serving a slice.

Learn More About Agile and Waterfall Methodologies