steps to be considered for legacy application modernization

To reduce technical debt, conduct a code review of your system's architecture to identify issues, evaluate technologies, and identify dependencies between components.

Analyze system architecture

Refactoring legacy code effectively solves business problems by dividing complex functions into manageable components.

Refactoring legacy code 

The process utilizes the project roadmap to enable developers to modify feature navigation, identify potential dependencies, and address technical issues during development.

Track and document 

An in-house version offers greater control over functionality and updates, aligning with project needs, and is easy to customize, enhancing performance compared to external libraries.

Manage dependencies 

Developers should avoid altering the software's fundamental principles to prevent breaking existing features and introducing new bugs during future refactoring efforts.

Do not change core logic

New technologies are essential for businesses to stay engaged in the digitalized world, enhancing their skills and enhancing their ability to adapt and evolve.

Equip with emerging technologies

Ready to modernize your legacy app?