There is an ecosystem. An ecosystem where drastic changes happen at the rate of per hour. Where favoritism, biased opinions, and inclination towards a particular aspect is a common sight. This ecosystem is full of like-minded people contributing to sustainability and developing the plateau that we all are a part of, knowingly or unknowingly.
What are we talking about? The frontend development ecosystem. A place which changes its shape faster than you can blink. Remember that scene from Harry Potter where the stairs leading to higher floors never stay the same and keep on shuffling? This is a notch above that. Over the years, the advancements in the field of frontend development has made everyone a maze runner. Everyone is on their path, thinking their way leads to the end faster. Deceptive.
While every path has its own perks and downsides, is it really justifiable to treat on path as better than the other? How admissible is to make a statement that Vue.Js is better than Knockout.js? Did we even consider the aspects of each of these frameworks?
The title may sound already biased to you. But, come to think of it. We agree that there is not a one-size-fits-all frameworks. However, isn’t there a better-framework-than-most-of-them version too? There is always a better player in the game
And today, we are going to talk about one such top player in the frontend development environment.
The Origin of AngularJS Framework
Misko Hevery from Google is the founding co-author of AngularJS.
“We wanted to see if we could make it a bit easy for web designers all across—not necessarily web developers, but web designers—to sprinkle a little bit of extra HTML into the code so that they can turn a static form to something they could actually send in an email. The idea would be that you could, for example, have a mom-and-pop shop that sells pizza or something, maybe you could have a simple ordering system just by adding a bunch of these tags and they could send an email to the server.” says Misko Henry
Adam Abrons was the one who came up with the term ‘Angular’ in the first place. He thought HTML has angle brackets, hence angle brackets, Angular.
Henry initially started building AngularJs framework on his own as a part-time thing. Eventually, Google began to pay attention, and he was deployed full-time to work on the Angular project.
Why You Should Use AngularJs Framework?
As per the nature, initially Angular was mostly used for internal apps since those are mostly form-driven. Most of the parts of the administrative Google App Engine consoles have been written on top of Angular.
A big reason why Angular gained such rapid momentum is because of its wide range of features.
What are those features and why AngularJs Framework is better?
- Impeccable MVC: We know that MVC is a software design arrangement for developing web applications. It can be split into:
- Model: model is the gatekeeper or the first level in the entire arrangement which maintains data. It can be compared to primitive data types like that of booleans, numbers, strings or objects. There are no getter and sorter methods involved here.
- View: It shows portions of data to the user. View presents the data in a particular format which is then triggered by the controller’s action.
- Controller: The last guard in the pattern is the controller. It controls the interaction between the Model and the View by responding to the user’s input and interacting with the data model objects. Controller receives the input, validates it, and conducts the operations.
Most of the frameworks work in a way where you need to split your app into MVC components in order to implement controller. And then it asks you to write code to string them up together.
On the other hand, an Angular implements MVC by merely asking you to split the app into MVC components, and it will do the rest. Angular manages the components impeccably and also acts as a pipeline by connecting them for you.
There won’t be any need to write shortcuts between components that break abstractions to make them fit easier.
User Interface
Angular defines the app’s user interface through HTML. Now when you look at it, HTML is a declarative language making it more intuitive and less intricate than defining the interface procedurally in JavaScript. HTML is also less risky and crumbling to reorganize than an interface written in JavaScript. Additionally, as an AngularJs development company, you can bring in more UI developers when the view has been written in HTML.
HTML is used to determine the execution of the app. Special attributes in the HTML determine which controllers to use for each of the element. These attributes further determine what gets loaded into the system, but does not define how it gets loaded. This type of declarative approach simplifies app development just like WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) model.
Now, this is the Routing is the key aspect of single page applications to transition from one view to another
Everything comes in one single page in a single page viewer. No one wants to redirect their users to a new page every time they click on the menu. A business would want their website to load the content asynchronously on the same page with just the URL changing.
All of the websites work on this method. Chrome app store and Twitter are the best examples of Single Page Applications.
AngularJS makes this work like a breeze and one can make various views for various URLs. It also enables you to load the appropriate view in the main page for a particular URL request. This is yet another reason why developers all around love AngularJS.
Large Community
AngularJS is backed by a large community, which implies that you get your concern resolved right in no time while you have loads of new things to discover from the community. This is possibly the most crucial reason to pick any framework, and being open source makes things considerably nice. A group creates AngularJS from Google, who breaks in with their advice in discussions and tutorials. Similarly, other developers plan meets and conferences, which might encourage you if you get stuck. If you require information, it’s always handy.
Suits Cross-Platform App Development
Singular framework produces cross-platform applications, web, and mobile. Even in web applications, you can develop an app for all platforms like Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.
Progressive Web Apps
Angular has advanced web platform capabilities that facilitate the web application to deliver app-like experience. Developers can create WPA compatible applications which render high performance, work offline and require zero-step installation.
Native Support
Utilizing Angular, developers can create native mobile apps with strategies from Cordova, Ionic, or NativeScript.
Desktop-Installed Apps
Angular permits developers to build desktop-installed apps for all platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. You are not required to learn from scratch as you can use the same Angular method, which is achieved for web plus.
Two-way binding
The automatic synchronization of data between the view and the model is nothing but two-way binding. On one hand, view indicates the HTML and on the other hand , the model indicates the JavaScript variables.
With AngularJS framework, one can easily build a template to bind different components with different models. Hence, the value of any HTML or view component experiences a slight difference, the bound model value also gets updated.
So to say, if the input text value changes, the bound model also gets changed while being updated automatically. The need to program a separate set of callback functions is eradicated by when you need to control the changing data.
Two-way data binding makes the application’s presentation layer quite simple. This makes the UI cleaner as a result. This also helps in conducting complex data manipulations and calculations.
Sorts of Projects Which Get Benefits from AngularJS Freamwork
So far, we reviewed about Angular’s characteristics, functionalities, and usability. Let us see now for what types of project Angular framework will be beneficial. Here is a look:
Enterprise Web Apps
Angular is a TypeScript based framework, which is essential to develop large-scale projects. Some of the best hallmarks of TypeScript are navigation features, advanced refactoring, and auto-completion, which enables the developer to devise simple to a complex application with the utmost ease.
Progressive Web App (PWA)
PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) is a rising trend, and Angular enables you to develop PWA application naturally.
Single Page Applications
The fundamental purpose behind AngularJS frameworks was to formulate SPAs like projects. So, you have all the features and tools in hand to make valuable Single Page Applications.
As an AngularJs development company in the business for more than a decade we have experienced the wave of framework from time to time. But the wave Angular rode on, was the largest one till now. Developers and contributors from every nook and cranny of the world has actively participated and made AngularJs framework what it is today. Hire AngularJs developer today and start your dream project!