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Redefining Product Comparison Online

The client wanted to build a website that will provide give product PRICE comparison from diff. online stores. website allows the user to search by all categories and brands for one specific product. The website is concept as a one-stop platform for users.


Key Features

  • Full Responsive site
  • Member Login & Registration
  • Search & Compare Functionality
  • Admin can add category & subcategories
  • Review and rating for products
  • Social Media Integration

The CompareMyProduct website allows you to filter and search products from different online stores based on categories, sub categories, brand name and even operating system. The website also facilitates users to compare shipping details, return policy, etc. besides product price.


The website allows users to search, select and compare products from a particular category. Here the Admin can add multiple unlimited attributes list for each category & subcategory. Also, Admin can manage which attribute to display on product listing (like books show author name).


The users in this website can make informed purchase decision by making product comparison between the individual online stores – by brand or categories. Here Admin can choose what filter criteria to display on website frontend. (like Brand, OS type in mobile category or size and color in cloth). Users can also ‘Rate’ and share information on social media channels.

Do you want to build a price comparison website? Let's discuss!


Let’s get in touch

“Easy to deal with, excellent service and prompt response to changes and enhancements during our app and website development.”

Hidden Brains Mr. StuartUnited Kingdom
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