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Seminar Management
Software Solution


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    Seminar Management

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SimplyOrg is a German-based seminar management software that makes organizing and managing seminars, training courses or events much easier. With SimplyOrg, you can quickly and easily schedule events (online/virtual), manage attendees, track payments, and more. This saves time and resources that you can invest in the actual event instead.

Established in 2015, the company has always aimed to provide high-quality services to its clients.
  • 500+ Satisfied customers
  • 70% Up to 70% increase in efficiency
  • 200hrs. Time savings per month with an Average of 10,000 participants per year
  • 200k SimplyOrg manages more than 200,000 participants per year

Business Goal

To take the Business to the next level and onboard many new customers, SimplyOrg realized the need to improve quality of the product, enhance features before competitors and streamline its workflow & project management system to deliver better services to its clients.

While they were looking for new partners, SimplyOrg came across Hidden Brains during one of our business trips to Europe and realized that Hidden Brains can be that ideal IT consulting company which SimplyOrg was searching to take the product to the next level and that is how the journey began.

Pain Areas / Challenges

  • Inconsistent service quality that failed to meet the client's expectations.
  • Manual and unstructured project management practices leading to inefficiencies.
  • Support ticket SLAs not being met, resulting in customer dissatisfaction.
  • Using outdated versions of Laravel and Vue.js leading to technical limitations.
  • Delays in delivery time due to process inefficiencies.
  • Managing multiple customer projects and deliveries simultaneously.
  • Unclear definition of project requirements leading to misaligned expectations.
  • Meeting shifting priorities associated with working on multiple projects.
  • Poor delivery due to inconsistency in communication and outdated project practices.

Collaboration with Hidden Brains

SimplyOrg partnered with us as a consulting provider, to tackle the challenges they faced. Through this collaboration, we helped SimplyOrg improve their service quality, project management efficiency, and on-time delivery, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and a higher number of clients.

We played a pivotal role in resolving the challenges that SimplyOrg was experiencing, enabling the organization to provide superior services to their clients.

Hidden Brains Approach & Solution

To address the challenges faced by SimplyOrg, Hidden Brains followed a systematic approach to enhance their services.

  • approach-icon-01

    Conducted analysis of existing processes and systems

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    Developed customized project management system

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    Implemented customer support system for improved SLAs and satisfaction

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    Improved requirement gathering and detailing

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    Provided training and support to SimplyOrg's team

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    Ensured clear and effective communication

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    Used agile methodology for project management

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    Managed extended team in Germany & India

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    Ensured team was equipped with skills to deliver high-quality services.

Key Features

SimplyOrg provides key features to enhance processes in order to maximize efficiency, minimize bottlenecks, and help adopt new digital tools and technologies.

Technology Stack

Front End


Back End


3rd Party Integration

Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Google Document, Google Sheet, Google Calendar, Office 365, Lexoffice, oAuth

Results Achieved

Our recent digital transformation initiative ushered in a new era of efficiency, agility, and innovation, replacing manual and time-consuming tasks with seamless digital workflows across SimplyOrg's operations.

  • 95%Improvement in project delivery time
  • Improved service quality and customer satisfaction
  • 85%Reduction in support ticket SLA time
  • Improved requirement gathering and analysis
  • 80%Improvement in team efficiency

Do you have a Mission? | We have a TEAM to get you there.

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“Easy to deal with, excellent service and prompt response to changes and enhancements during our app and website development.”

Hidden Brains Mr. StuartUnited Kingdom
Hey! there :)
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